瑞宁(RAININ)Pos-D活塞外置式移液器 17008578
量程:10 μl–100 μl
符合人体工程学设计的活塞外置式移液器 难题样品移液的解决之道:Pos-D外置活塞式移液器特别适用于高密度、高粘度和挥发性液体。使用一次性活塞毛细移液管完全消除浮尘等污染源、样品及其移液器本身之间的交叉污染。活塞内置于毛细移液管,直接接触样品液。排液时活塞头紧贴毛细管内壁,可将样品完全“刮”出,不存在残液挂壁。预装好的盒装吸头使用极其方便,并使用于Gilson Microman®。 |
轻松吸头安装:预装好的盒装吸头功能和特点Pos-D Pipette
Easy Grip
Hand-friendly ergonomic fingerhook allows you to rest your hand while you work.
Comfortable feel
Pos-D has a natural feel and fits comfortably in your hand due to larger and more ergonomically designed handle.
Volume control
The display faces the user, so there is no need to twist the pipette to set or read volume.
Capillary Tips
No aerosol contamination
The piston makes direct contact with the sample, ensuring reliable accuracy when pipetting liquids with different characteristics than water. Disposable capillaries and pistons ensure absolutely contamination-free pipetting.
Ready and easy to use
Simple to pick up and eject. There is no need to assemble pistons into capillaries before use as they are preassembled by a robotic process and put into covered racks – eliminating human contact. All capillaries and pistons are presterilized.